Sunday, January 5, 2014

Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure (2013) BRRip 300MB

Kate & Humphrey dan 3 anaknya serigala mereka (Stinky, Claudette dan kerdil) yang dengan senang hati mempersiapkan diri untuk merayakan musim dingin pertama mereka bersama-sama ketika cub terkecil mereka, kerdil, secara misterius menghilang. Mereka sekarang harus pergi pada perjalanan baru di padang gurun untuk menemukan dan membawa kembali kerdil sebelum salju musim dingin menghalangi jalan pulang. Ini petualangan terbesar mereka namun, penuh dengan aksi dan ketegangan serta banyak humor dan saat-saat mengharukan yang disampaikan dalam rilis teater pertama. Sementara petualangan mereka tidak berakhir persis seperti yang direncanakan, Kate & Humphrey menemukan bahwa "Rumah adalah tempat keluarga Is."

Kate & Humphrey and their 3 wolf cubs (Stinky, Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter together when their smallest cub, Runt, mysteriously disappears. They must now go on a new journey across the wilderness to find and bring back Runt before the winter snows block their way home. It’s their greatest adventure yet, filled with action and suspense as well as plenty of the humor and heartwarming moments that were delivered in the first theatrical release. While their adventure does not end exactly as planned, Kate & Humphrey discover that “Home is where the Family Is.”
[FORMAT]:………………………….:[ Matroska
[GENRE]:………………………… .:[ Animation | Adventure | Comedy
[FILE SIZE]:……………………….:[ 300 MB
[NO OF CDs]:……………………….:[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:………………………:[ 1280x720
[LANGUAGE ]:……………………….:[ English
[SUBTITLES]:……………………….:[ none
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:………………….:[ 45min
[SOURCE]:…………:[ Alpha & Omega 2 2013 720p BRRip x264 AAC DiVERSiTY
[iMDB RATING]:……………………..:[ 5.5/10
[Encoder]:…………………………:[ nItRo

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